We all feel unprepared for life's challenges at times and could use help navigating difficult junctures and transitions. Depression and anxiety can be overwhelming and debilitating, as can chronic health conditions and struggles in relationships. People come to see me with issues of trauma, substance use, grief, loss, anger and long-standing childhood issues and conflicts. Some people choose therapy simply because they want to learn more about themselves and improve their quality of life. I work with adults of all ages and orientations. I enjoy working with gay, lesbian, bisexual, trans, queer, asexual individuals and those exploring issues of identity.
I draw from a number of theories and perspectives, but view the process as individual for each person. I am informed most by my training in psychoanalytic psychotherapy and I think about human development through the lens of our relationships with one another. We are all individuals with unique histories and experiences and we are all shaped by our shared human experiences. Often the causes of our distress and suffering are related to issues that may be outside of our awareness. Therapy can help identify these deeper issues, which may be preventing you from living the kind of life you want. Together we can identify patterns that are no longer working for you and help you explore new ways of being.
Seeking psychotherapy can feel scary because it involves opening up vulnerable private places. At the same time, it can be a rich journey with many paths through your inner world, dreams, feelings and unconscious. Choosing to come to therapy can help you move towards a more genuine, fulfilling life.